
thoughts from my mind to yours



You ran bare-feet to greet it at the door,

like you had many times before,

through the barren streams and moors,

forgetting your daily chores…

with the breeze blowing your hair wild,

you ran with the  inner child,

in your heart…

you ran bare-feet to greet summer at the door,

of spring.

poem and image copyright2015 neha

poem and image copyright2015 neha



This is part of Day 2 of the Three day Quote Challenge. I am posting it on this blog as to keep all the quotes here. Here are the rules:

Post your favorite quotes or your own quotes for 3 days in a row.
Thank the person who nominated you
Pass it on to 3 other bloggers.

I was nominated by my friend Lisa from:

For today’s nomination I will keep it an open invite for anyone who wishes to participate 🙂

Quotes and Lyrics for the soul

“Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.”
― Carl Sagan

image copyright2015 neha image copyright2015 neha

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