
thoughts from my mind to yours



Contemplation of the quiet mind…

as it slowly rewinds

the cascading waves

of thoughts

falling in an infinite abyss

of feelings

that drift in your eyes

floating in the skies

of everlasting dreams

drifting with the winds

of dark storms

looming at the edge of the sea

as you fly free

in the pouring rain

of the subdued pain

of the world

floating gently

with the contemplation…

of the quiet mind.


poetry and image copyright neha 2018



The day unfolded


as your mind drifted

full of distractions…

A blatant contrast

to the serene light that fell on you

as you laid out your thoughts


open like the skies,

infinite with possibilities,

of going anywhere…

but as the light faded into darkness

and the night sang the soft lullaby

you drifted again

to the beginning

or was it the end…

in the circle of life.


poetry and image copyright neha 2018



The day unfolded,


as your mind drifted,

full of distractions.

A blatant contrast

to the serene light that fell on you,

as you laid out your thoughts


open like the skies,

infinite with possibilities,

of going anywhere…

but as the light faded into darkness

and the night sang the soft lullaby

you drifted again

to the beginning

or was it the end

in the circle of life.


poetry and image copyright neha 2018


Peace – A Collaboration

This is the fourth piece of collaboration between my good friend Michael and I. We have decided to do one collaboration per month for five months…Due to our busy schedules we have missed a month here and there but we hope you enjoy this piece. If you haven’t checked out Michael’s talented writing yet, I suggest you visit his blog now!

As always, it was a pleasure to work with Michael on this…Peace was the subject of our muse and it was quite interesting to see how it came together.

Michael in this color

I am in this color


A medium

That best magnifies

A piece of my mind

To give me peace of mind,

Hand me the pen

And cue the white dove,

No pre-determined formula

Nor appraisal for the zen

We search for everyday.

But when luck has it

And light seeps

From this vessel,

The result of being

An advocate for light,

Touching souls

On being able to relate,

On ups and downs;

No greater euphoria.

When all is said and done

Granting peace to others

Far supersedes

My endless search

For inner peace.

Peace was born

in the eye of the storm

when time stood still

Peace was held

without expectations, without condemnations

without the dollar bill

Peace was yours

Peace was mine

Peace was free

Peace was found in quiet contemplations

in heart’s whispers

amidst the silence of trees

I searched for peace

in nature’s soul

to be whole

to find me.

Poetry copyright Michael and Neha 2016


Sunset Glory

Sunset glory,

at day’s end,

wakes my tired eyes,

to the world again…

and humbles my restless heart,

to what matters,

dissolving my worries of the day…

It penetrates my mind,

and helps me find,


Sunset glory,

at day’s end. 

poetry and image copyright neha 2015

poetry and image copyright neha 2015




Touching the abstract mind

Quiet contemplations

with the open skies

thoughts drifting

with the moonrise

as the heart sways

to unknown tides

pulling its strings…

With gold touching the abstract mind

We seek and we find


getting lost


nothings and everything

beyond the horizon

sunset reflections.

poetry and image copyright neha 2016

poetry and image copyright neha 2016


Five Life Reflections of 2015

poem and image copyright neha 2015

poem and image copyright neha 2015














1.) It is okay to be yourself, to drift with your soul, to lay in peace.

Drifting on the cloud of imagination,

my bohemian soul,

finds peace


copyright neha2015 poem and image

copyright neha2015 poem and image




















2.) It is okay to be sad, to be mad, to cry when the heart is heavy…it’s okay to let go, okay to be human.

That day…

The world forgot to be kind,

and you forgot to be patient,

and in between figuring out who you were,

and where you came from,

and why you were here,

the clouds of life,

poured on you,

and your heart cried with the rain…


when it was over,

and though the world did not change,

you felt lighter and soul felt cleansed,

and you noticed the smiles among the frowns,

and drenched in what was your pain,

you found that little piece of joy again,

you followed the rainbow of life.


image and poem copyright neha 2015

image and poem copyright neha 2015











3.) It is okay to be happy and to follow your dreams.

Today I am happy
chasing puddles
of the light heart…
splashing water
on my dreams
waking them to life…

Today I am happy
drifting away…
on the moonbeam
of hope
along sunshine
on forgotten meadows

doing nothing…

but chasing puddles
of the light heart
splashing water
on my dreams
waking them to life
today, I am happy.


poem and image copyright neha 2015

poem and image copyright neha 2015


















4.) It’s okay to love and be grateful for what you have

In my attempt,

to get away from here

to find solace…

I found myself, grateful,

for all the love,

that surrounds me.

poetry and image copyright neha 2015

poetry and image copyright neha 2015

























5.) It is okay to pray and to find the light in your heart amidst darkness and to find hope with each dawn.

Let me find hope…

In the gentlest of whispers,

which stops the  loudest of screams,

in the deepest of love,

where my heart can lean,

and find its way back from the darkest nights,

as I lay my mind, on the first morning light…

let me find hope.