
thoughts from my mind to yours



Always a dreamer,

you strayed to the far side

between fact and fiction

where you could see stars

in the middle of the day

twinkling in the sky

just for you,

to whistle

the tunes of the heart…

feeling content,

on the simple notion,

of being happy.

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Poetic Collaboration – Happy

And here is the final version of this collaboration. Apologies for the long delay, life happened…I appreciate everyone who participated to make it such a beautiful piece. Please read the full collaboration here:

Comments are closed in the original piece but feel free to leave your thoughts here or visit the various artists who collaborated in their individual blogs!

Much love to all, stay happy!


Final Reminder to join Poetic Collaboration -Happy – open until April 30!

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to everyone who have contributed in this collaboration so far, this is a final reminder that is open until tomorrow at which point I will close the comments and make the final post with all your beautiful words! You can find it via this link.

photography copyright neha 2022

Comments will be closed on this post, please add your contribution to he original post provided in the above link.

Keep that heart happy,



Earth’s Sonnet

In the quiet hum of the rising sun

where hearts sigh,

My beautiful earth gently spun,

writing a sonnet in the sky.

Spinning like nobody was watching,

My earth danced away…

Unaware of the lives it was touching,

in every part of the day.

Splattering the colours of its soul.

my earth sung with the trees

and that song made me whole,

As I felt the morning breeze.

My earth, my earth, my earth, where would I go without you?

Your poetry feeds my soul, you cast away all my blues. 

poetry and image copyright neha 2022

Happy Earth Day!