
thoughts from my mind to yours



Under this silence of the skies,

let your heart speak,

for it knows not the diplomacy of the mind,

when it asks the stars,

about love.


free google image/ poetry copyright neha 2018



Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

64 thoughts on “Love

  1. This triggered something like the faith I had in my supernal conversations… BEAUTIFUL 😍😍

  2. Beautiful, fresh and radiant as the stars in the sky and as the inside of the heart that knows how to listen and embrace silent love.

  3. So brilliant and beautiful!

  4. Marvelous! 😎🥀😎🥀😎🥀😎🥀

  5. Yes exactly listen to heart.So beautiful is this composition.

  6. So very beautfiful, Neha.

  7. Your words always inspire me deep within! Your selfless lovely spirit is a true gem Neha! Hugs and blessings always my sister!

  8. I spend so many nights under the stars basking in love, peace and serenity. Love this!

  9. This poetry strangely resonates its meaning when I stay alone at night looking above an open sky. Beautiful piece, love it!

  10. I like this! 🙂 I also write poetry about love, pain, and acceptance. So let our hearts speak! 🙂

  11. Poetic device really works here! 🙂

  12. wow! very beautiful. few lines which makes you think of many moments and emotions.

  13. Pingback: Love — forgottenmeadows – elunarcom

  14. Nostalgic 👊

  15. Awesome!!!

  16. You covered MAJOR part of our life in two lines… Lovely 🤗

  17. I love the simplicity and beauty of this ❤️

  18. Beautiful words!

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