
thoughts from my mind to yours


My Love

My love for you
goes beyond all silver linings
from the darkest storm
it stretches like the wind
to glorious sunlit days
beyond all seasons…
it waves at the universe
with the constant rhythm
of being alive,
of being in love…

My love for you
folds like a gentle prayer
in silent waves
of the vast ocean
that does not question
the emotions
of the heart
rising and falling
like the tides…

My love for you…
is endless hope
with infinite dreams
and peaceful sleeps
of holding you close
in my heart.

poetry and image copyright neha 2021



It was not always like matches and wildfires,
but their love…
was like peaceful sleep
after a long hard day,
like sunrise after a dark storm,
fresh, like the smell of flowers that lingered,
long after one walked away,
their love was like answers
to questions of the heart.

poetry and image copyright neha 2021


Together #Napowrimo Day 8 #Writephoto

And in hindsight, it is many a times humbling
to see how things work in mysterious ways
you come together to appreciate this power
beyond you or any of your plans
that your may have made for days

So you stand watching the sun rays
spread across earth and appreciate
the small part you get to live,
in this magnificent play.

poetry copyright neha/ image borrowed from Sue Vincent














In response to Sue’s #Writephoto prompt.