
thoughts from my mind to yours



The day unfolded,


as your mind drifted,

full of distractions.

A blatant contrast

to the serene light that fell on you,

as you laid out your thoughts


open like the skies,

infinite with possibilities,

of going anywhere…

but as the light faded into darkness

and the night sang the soft lullaby

you drifted again

to the beginning

or was it the end

in the circle of life.


poetry and image copyright neha 2018


Don’t give up – In honor of MLK Jr.

Don’t give up…

on that dream,

sought by your tired eyes,

for even this long lonely night,

will be followed by the light

of day…

the tides rising in your heart will calm,

Keep walking on your way…

Don’t give up,

on you.

free google image/poetry copyright neha 2017

                                                    free google image/poetry copyright neha 2017


Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day! I am posting this again in honor of this great man who inspired us all! I invite you to help us continue his legacy by joining us at our first poetic collaboration challenge for 2017 hosted at the #PoetsforPeace Blog. A Renga Party that promotes compassion… let us all find the light that drives out the darkness.