
thoughts from my mind to yours



As I stood on the edge of my thoughts

I found new meaning in old words

finding light at the end of my dark tunnel of ideas

copyright neha2015 poem and image

copyright neha2015 poem and image


Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

16 thoughts on “Ideas

  1. I especially love your first line. I read it several times, rolling it around in my mind, savoring it.

  2. Thank You for Being such a Blessing in my Life. Though I may not get round as often as I might like to, I Truly Appreciate YOU :)

  3. Super Neha!! I love it…and the new header photo of the gull is AWESOME!!! ❤

  4. Lovely as always, Neha! And I love your cactus banner ❤

  5. really wonderful….

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