
thoughts from my mind to yours

Calling all Poets/Creative Minds – Writing letters by the moonlight


As the last collaboration was such a success, I wanted to start another. This time I will give everyone a week as I realize some of you only blog once a week. As usual I will add all contributions in different colour and list the contributor in the same colour at the end of the piece. I will add it in the order they come. Hope you all will join in on this one 🙂 Thank you!



Unwritten letters of the heart,

which you always meant to start,

sitting by the moonlight…


A thousand words spun from my soul.

I cannot see through blinding stars

These tears by summers moonlight shed

The pen of my mind idle

As words unwritten fall to the floor

Of a broken heart

By loves denial



Opalescent beams pierce the inky dark.

Open arms that embrace my dreams,

and carry them into the ethereal blanket of stars

to be dispersed across the heavens seeking a home

in the sweet dreams I wish for you each night.

Dream of only me, by the moonlight.


If only I could use the silken beams

weaving a story – set in transient dreams

moonlight feeding its growth

as shadows take over

(I cannot see.)


W is for

words made of moonbeams and stars

when Night hums along


I send you letters

like kites: blind with hope, flying

up or down, love-full.


Memories of passion we shared

Our souls tentatively bared

My paper cannot contain the tears

Shooting stars carry the pain

As the moon begins to wane

My love for you never to diminish


A sliver of moonlight

Safeguards me as I write

To the man of my dreams

The keeper of moonbeams


If I were to write what’s in my heart

It would take me a thousand years

to express my love for you.

I would rather sit next to you

and let you know without fears

face to face looking in your eyes

under the moonlight…

and no goodbyes.


I will wait here

for the words I meant to say –

my heart full

of emptiness and love

that could never be spoken.


I string my words

With moonbeam threads

Remembering your smiles

That shine like them in my heart

I do not know what tomorrow will bring

But tonight , you are mine

Even if just in my dreams.



Your light shines through me

Tho’ a crescent

like a smile

it flutters to my heart

and fills me with the gift

of love’s offering



moonbeams pierce my heart

infinite wonder in the night sky

my being fills with heavenly light

quieting the mind this starry night



Moonlight fills a vacant sky

I rest my pen, breathe out a sigh,

Love so potent, hard to hold

Can never in a word be told


On my window, the moon smiles

it reminisces the moments

that passed us by.

The blank paper

lies there to be inked

with the words from your heart

waiting to touch my soul.


There is but one for me you cry

Beneath the dark emboldening sky

But my heart knows that you lie

And yet you never stopped to ask why.


The moon, she sees all your tricks

But shines each night as you get your fix

Of words and wine thrown in the mix


Moonlight shadows creep and smother

As I sit and ponder life with the other

A state of which I’ll never recover.


And though I hear the moonlight whisper

About those days I ache for still,

I raise my head and stand up tall.

And dance in the moonlight until I fall

Onto the grass so wet and cold.

Yet, the ache, again, begins to till!

For even the earth evokes the call.

I can’t escape no matter where I crawl.



But I have written them you see,

to you my love and others too.

You guys forgot to send replies

so when the moon comes out at night

I sit again to write once more

except this time I’ll self-address.

It’s more reliable that way.
vm © 2014 


My heart has only one wish.

It is written in stardust,

on delicate sheets of hope,

in runes of the purest love,

for only your soul to read.

As I wait for you to come to me,

I dream of you by the moonlight.



Peony, ivy


Magic in the



I look for words

That would be nice



For I’d like to offer you


A garden

Of Truth


Unwritten letters of the heart,

which you always meant to start,

sitting by the moonlight

Covered by the stars


Soul floats to the sky

Letters disappear

In these moments here

There is no question ‘Why


believing that Lady Moon

can bring me what I am dreaming of soon ~

I give with great care

all the I long to share


By the moonlight

writing you letters

I look out the window

to see

lovers in a shadow dance

their kiss written in history

too bold to behold

with the naked eye in the day


For me,

just a chance

to steal a glance

of something so pure

so uninhibited

was a luxurious moment

to embrace

For they had not yet learned

to be secretive.

Ahhh, to be young again like they.


Sharing a piece

With the moon

Writing letters

Of what I feel for you

My friend’s rays

Reflecting off ink soaked paper

Letters shimmering

The moon highlighting

Its approval

Of what it believes to be the best parts

All of it


 the moon drapes on

a skirt

leaving its golden bosom

for my eyes



And as the moonlight veils the sacred darkness

Your seductive whispers gently intoxicates a sweet breeze

Two hearts sink as one; the moons light glistening bright

O beloved; how our love illuminates the moons smile!

Contributors: Me,InfiniteZip,M. Zane McClellan ,Laavanya ,the echo of the whole sea ,Starralee ,Desiree G ,reginadee2014,avian101,In the Stillness… Laurie’s Gentle Healing Notes,jugransunita,lorriebowden,Writing to Freedom,Rob McShaneAbhilasha S. BoPeepdavidjosevargas,vera ersiliaM. Zane McClellanF.G.M.iithinksAnnette Rochelle Aben, writingwingsforyouOriginal-Dantescrbwly,Zara

Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

129 thoughts on “Calling all Poets/Creative Minds – Writing letters by the moonlight

  1. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    Gorgeous poems! Thank you, dreamer & lover of words! 😉 ❤

  2. Pingback: Calling all creative minds to a poetic collaboration – “while you were away” | forgottenmeadows

  3. Pingback: Calling All Poets/Creative Minds to A Grand Collaboration – Poets for Peace | forgottenmeadows

  4. Pingback: Calling All Creative Minds/Poets to a poetic collaboration – “When Dreams Fade Away” | forgottenmeadows

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