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“How do I love thee?”

In the spirit of love 🙂 …Please click on original, thanks 🙂

Quotes and Lyrics for the soul

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach”

– Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Valentines is coming and collaboration piece on love is still open!

Hello lovely Readers,

Just wanted to update everyone that the collaboration is coming along well and is still open till the end of the month for all who wish to add. Please click on link to find out more!


copyright neha 2015

copyright neha 2015


Collaboration Reminder for anyone who missed it

As the weekend approaches I wanted to post the link of the new collaboration I posted this week for anyone who missed it.


Hope to see you all join in!

image copyright neha 2015











Calling all creative minds/poets in a collaboration of “Love”

copyright neha 2015

Hi Everyone,

As Valentine’s day is almost upon us, I thought I would start a collaboration on “love”. Not the commercial kind we see in stores but the real emotion we feel in our hearts. I have felt a lot of love in this community and I feel blessed to have made so many friends. I hope you will all join in on this collaboration and help to make it a beautiful one like you always do! 🙂 It will be open till the end of February, so plenty of time for all of you to contribute. Please place contributions in the comment section and I will add in the order they come. As usual the contributors blog will be listed at the end of the piece in the same colour as their contribution. Also for my photographer friends and bloggers you can send me a link to a photo you would like to add and I can save that and upload it, and put you as the contributor at bottom ofcourse! Thank you all and here’s to love 🙂

I have started it off, and hope to add many more of lovely additions from my fellow bloggers 🙂

In quiet nights of gentle dreams

In dark storms of pouring rain

In bright days where sunshine beams

In deepest joy and solemn pain

my love floats free


and whole

like the brightest light

in the darkest cave


the universe of my soul




Pure white light enters
surging through head
and heart, and every cell.
The body suffused
with a crystal glow
sparkling, shimmering
as love expands
knowing no end
encompassing the sun
and stars, the universe.
Distant now from it’s beginnings
light, pure, and clear, free
from the heaviness of earth.
Spiritualised, pure and radiant
displaying the glory
of it’s true origin.
Love becomes all
the reason and purpose
The spirit sees that love
is creation, energy
the foundation of life
and all matter
Love is eternal, indestructible
Love has no opposite
Love is all.


Fertile Hearts

Within fertile hearts
the seed of bliss is planted
to flourish in love


Our love is deeper than the Mariana Trench
more rare than a conch pearl,
a fine cognac glistening in baroque,
Sirius lighting the night
tomorrow we will be the finest opus,
birdsong from the crest of a tree.



roses are red
violets are blue
I’m out of my head
in love with you

Valentine’s is a day for love
more beautiful than a peace dove
celebrating the gift of you
along with this majestic view

image credit goes to Brad

image credit goes to Brad











We wait for flames to touch us, crave the warmth
we have been told is Love, the lightning in a summer
storm, the harmonies of a symphony, a garden
in full blossom. We expect Love to arrive in glory,
beauty, flying banners, drums and trumpets.
But this, this solitary evening is my empty cup —
when Silence fills it up, have I not again received
more than I have given? Even the air we breathe
is Love.


Valentine Snow – Tanka
Beautiful snow
you said and kissed the flakes from
my face and lips- but not as
beautiful as you.


You Remind Me

Maybe it’s because of your reminders,
I came close to who I wanted to be.
Could it be that with you that’s who I am,
and loving you brings out the best in me?

Perhaps it was just as you imagined,
and I was then so eager to believe,
being in love with you made me someone,
that there was nothing I could not achieve.

Now I care not for meaning or purpose.
Each day is an endless soliloquy.
I remind myself of my good fortune,
and accept that this too was meant to be.

But I know that fate is for the foolish,
dwelling in the past pointless exercise.
Each day I struggle against the vortex,
drowning in tears from memory of your eyes.


As You Are

I never got to see you,
the way that I wanted to,
to see your face,
every day,
all of the time,
in every way,
in every place.

And I never got to see you,
the way that I needed to,
to see your smile,
every sparkle
all of you mine
on every journey
on every mile.

But I did get to see you,
see you from afar,
the way that you wanted to,
wanted to be seen,
every where I go,
every breath that I breathe,
just as you are.

That’s the way that I love you,
love you though we’re apart,
the way that you deserve,
deserve to be loved,
with every beat,
with every pause
with all of my heart.

Wave of Love

With every heart beat
we expand beyond our selves
beyond physical

to wash the shores of spirit
with an endless wave of love


Love Liberates

Insecurities immobilize
dreams damaged by doubt
fear-frozen hope at a standstill.

Love liberates
dreams revitalized, rediscovered
fearless-flourishing hope in hyperdrive.

Loving Souls

Loving Empathy
trust and vulnerability
grow intimacy

Love feeds the heart when nurtured
Lavishes the soul when shared


My heart beating faster,
my hands moisten with nerves. 
There you stood so lovely,
and I,  so lost for words.

Time evaporated,
just you and I remain.
Before I ask how long,
forever, you maintain.

Your palm against my face,
head tilted, wistful smile.
I ask, “Where have you been?”
You touch my heart and say …
here …
all the while.


Begins the Thread

Begins the thread, rich tapestry’s breadth,
embroidering love we are warp and weft.
Striving for closeness with spaces between.
A purpose, meaning, being heard and seen,
unique affinities that transcend death.

Our souls bound more tightly with every breath.
Luminous spirits seek to coalesce,
with a fineness only hearts can glean
begins the thread.

Wishing to savor every moment we are left.
For without the other we are made bereft.
Not wanting to awaken from the dream.
Love, the pinnacle of our lives, it seems.
When we reach an end though naught appears left,
begins the thread.


Four Vases

Four vases
Rest in the drain board –
My grandmother’s beautiful crystal.

Two-dozen red roses –
Some to compost,
Some lovingly
Drying in a bowl
On my Aunt Clara’s
Crocheted tablecloth
On my dining room table.

Valentine’s Day
Is long gone.
But I am still reveling
In the love
That surrounds me.

Love was born the day the world began.

It has flourished since then

in different hues,as if on cues.

Love has lived in the hearts of young and old alike,

in different forms and faces.

Love doesn’t differentiate

on the basis of race or color.

Love only knows to love.

I’ve seen love:

in a mother’s eyes

who starts caring for her child

even before laying eyes

on that bundle of innocence.

I’ve seen love:

in a father’s arms

waiting to embrace you

in-spite of all your mistakes.

I’ve seen love :

in the heart of a  friend

who values every tear,every smile.

Every emotion they comprehend

taking it as if it were their own.

I’ve seen love:

in a teacher

whose patience and encouragement

can drive you miles ahead

towards your goal.

I’ve seen love:

in the kindness

shown by some random stranger

on your unlucky day.

I’ve seen love:

in the words of comfort,offered to you

by your other half

who stands by you

through low and high tide.

I’ve seen love

dwell in the hearts of little children

who find joy,in everything around them.

Love only knows the language of love,It cannot hurt.

Love is never impatient nor evil,love endures.

Love gives you hope and strength to fight every battle before you.

Love will keep doing what it knows best,

that is to love.


Love to me is mutually giving and earning


Caring so much

I cannot bestow enough

Dancing on clouds I never knew existed

Elevated by an impermeable cocoon

Knowing without a doubt

My search has ended

An enchanting whirlwind beckons

Time accelerates

Months blurring into years

Rallying against life’s curveballs

Strong arms encircle

Offer safe sanctuary

More profound than words

A collaborator in all dreams

A person who believes in me

To match my confidence in them

Commitment forged from trust

No walls

No facades

No games

Peace at last

An environment in which I can aspire to my very best

My today

And every tomorrow imaginable…


I pour my heart out for you
here –
on this page, my Love.
You have made my existence
You touch my soul in a way
that no one else has been able;
you set it on fire.
I love you for that


Reciprocal Hearts

You’ve always had my heart
to do with as you please.
You chose to nourish it,
love me passionately.
I felt undeserving
until you helped me see,
the best thing about us,
love’s reciprocity.

When I am with you

I live poetry

Your whisper in my ear

Your laughter in my soul

Your kindness written on my heart

I BREATHE your words



Robert ( )

M. Zane McClellan ( )

Heartafire ( )

Brad ( ) 

Laura ( ) 

Kanzen ( ) 

M. Zane McClellan ( )

Michelle ( )

M. Zane McClellan ( )

janehwilson ( )

jessannseq ( )

Luggage Lady ( )

feelmyheartspeak (

M. Zane McClellan ( )

Marie ( )