
thoughts from my mind to yours


Enchanted Rain

So many memories,

fall like enchanted rain,

of another time, another place…

When you held my hand, and hugged me,

cupped my little face, in your palms…

and now as I stare at the clear skies,

waiting with the deep blue ocean,

as the wind blows by, 

I hug you in my heart…

hoping, my hand will reach your soul.

poetry copyright neha 2020/ image borrowed from pexels



I find magic in this surreal twilight,

between night and day,

The concept of time,

vanishes from my mind,

in gentle waves,

as I wander into the forest of stars,

with you.

poetry copyright neha 2020/ image from pexels credit goes to original artist


In my heart

My love for you
goes beyond all silver linings
from the darkest storm
it stretches like the wind
to glorious sunlit days
beyond all seasons…
it waves at the universe
with the constant rhythm
of being alive,
of being in love…


My love for you
folds like a gentle prayer
in silent waves
of the vast ocean
that does not question
the emotions
of the heart
rising and falling
like the tides…
My love for you…
is endless hope
with infinite dreams
and peaceful sleeps
of holding you close
in my heart.

poetry and image copyright neha 2017

poetry and image copyright neha 2017