
thoughts from my mind to yours

Weekly Blog Recommendations: Photography List 3


Here is the third list in photography…Again previous lists can be viewed in the recommendations category…There is such a vast talent pool out there I never have any shortage to choose from, but these bloggers really brighten my day with their posts…and I highly recommend them all. Do Check them out!

1.) Cindy Knoke – I have recently started following Cindy’s work and I have to say I am amazed by her vibrant photography. The flowers and butterflies are absolutely beautiful, and highly recommend readers to check her out.


2.) Depth of FeelingsNguyên-Kan is a wonderful photographer who has a vast variety of topics she photographs from flowers to humans, and they are all meaningful and highly recommended. Viewers should definitely check out her talent…

Depth of Feelings Photography


3.) Nevada Life – John does photography from Las Vegas Valley, and I love following the different muses of his work. He has everything from photographing and old camera, to street life, and everything in between. His work is unique and definitely speaks volumes for itself, do check him out.

Nevada Life


4.)Midnighttheblues – Frank R  is also someone I have recently started following and I really like his work. He also does poetry, however, I haven’t had a chance to go through that yet, you are all welcome to check out his blog…his photography is highly recommended!



5.) Schelly Cassidy Photography – Schelly photographs everything from abstract architecture to nature and her work is absolutely fantastic. I encourage everyone to check out her blog and be inspired.

Schelley Cassidy Photography


***Note to any bloggers featured in these weekly posts, if you wish for me to remove your name from this list due to any reason please let me know, and I will do so. Also all of the excerpts featured (if featured)  are the works of the bloggers listed, they  each own the copyrights to their own piece and it is not my intention to take credit for it in anyway, hope that is clear to all readers. This is just my effort to appreciate good work. If any bloggers feel that their work has not been properly credited or should not be on the list let me know and I shall remove it. Again thank you all for sharing your beautiful work

Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

8 thoughts on “Weekly Blog Recommendations: Photography List 3

  1. Thank you for featuring my work/blog. I am truly honored. 🙂

  2. This is so thoughtful of you and so very appreciated! Thank you sincerely and cheers to you! ❤

  3. I feel honoured to be featured on this list. Your support means a lot to me. Thank you very much!

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