
thoughts from my mind to yours

Blogger to Blogger – Favorite Blogs 2018


image copyright neha 2018

Hello Everyone,


2018 was perhaps my most memorable year marking the birth of our son. It was made all the more special with my forgottenmeadows blog gaining over 5000 followers and it was all possible because of readers like you. Blogger to blogger was my attempt to share some of the love this festive season by highlighting some of our favorite blogs. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared your favorites! Below in the order they came in are your favorites along with the person who nominated each blog!


Nominated by Deepa from

In Deepa’s words – 

“I recently did a blog tour and book review of a wonderful book called The Kooky Kids’ Club. I would like to nominate Shalini @
Shalini’s book reviews are something that I look forward to and I got do the blog tour and book review through Shalini.

I would also like to nominate the author of the book, Robbie Yates here. I love his books and his blog. “


Nominated by Gabbi from

In Gabbi’s words –

“I would like to shine some love on Baffled Mum. She is one of my favs! Baffle Mum has a variety of blog topics, and they are very fun and inspirational reads. Here is a link to her blog:  “


Nominated by Erika from

In Erika’s words –

“I’d like to nominate Sylvester of
His poetry is touching the heart at the perfect spot to inspire and encourage.”


Nominated by Maureen from

In Maureen’s words –

“I would like to nominate ‘Whippet Wisdom’ who posts so many beautiful words and photos… They always lift me. Here is a link to her latest blog: ” 


Nominated by Holly from

In Holly’s words – 

“It’s hard to choose. From all the amazing sites at WP, but I adore Gigi’s Rethinking Life (Hit and Run) and Resa’s Graffiti Lux and Murals, also Resa’s Gowns( she is a designer and genie! ). There are too many I could name but these are really special! 
Https:// “


Nominated by Dorinda from

In Dorinda’s words – 

” I’d like to nominate Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo. Sue not only shares other blogs but writes beautiful poetry and intriguing posts herself. I always enjoy reading her.  “


Nominated by Syl from

In Syl’s words –

”  I would like to nominate two inspiring blogs that always give me a lift on a daily basis. Ritu and Erika
There are so many wonderful and inspiring people here on WP! “


Please check out these wonderful nominees and their nominators, they are some of my personal favorites! As many of you mentioned it is always hard to choose from the vast talent that exists on this platform but here are a few blogs I would like to highlight for 2018. Please note not all my favorites are on this list as that would be an almost impossible task with the limited time I have…it’s just a handful pf bloggers who have managed to capture my attention with their beautiful posts, including poetry, stories, photography and so much more! Some I discovered this year and some I have followed for a long time. I hope to do this again highlighting other blogs that capture my heart in a few months so stay tuned. So without much further adieu and in no particular order, please visit my favs listed below!


Cindy –

PoetryfromInkwell –

Brad –

Helen –

Tre –

River –

Megha –

John –

Diane –


Erika –

Syl –

Dorna –

Dorinda –

Sue –

Praghalba –

Holly –

Marta –


Wishing you all a very Happy 2019!



Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

31 thoughts on “Blogger to Blogger – Favorite Blogs 2018

  1. Thank you so much to Syl for mentioning me and to you for linking me!
    You’ve got a great selection of blogs there to explore, that I akr Ady know, and a whole host I don’t yet!

  2. Thank you so much for adding my blog to your list of favorite bloggers. I am humbled and feel totally honored, Neha! Thank you for calling us to nominate our favs. I wish you and your young family a wonderful change of the year, Neha 💖
    A big thank you also to Sylvester for nominating my blog. This is wonderful! Have a great change of the year, dear friend!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this Neha and a blessed and happy New Year to you and your loved ones too 🤗💖

  4. Congratulations on your baby, may the new year bring you happiness and joy!

  5. Congrats on the baby and the milestone. I really appreciate the nod here, Neha. May the year ahead bring you more peace, love and joy.

  6. Thank you for mentioning my blog, that was very kind of you. Have a great new year, best wishes to you and your family.

  7. Thank you, Neha for considering my blog one of your favorites and I thank you for all of your inspiring posts and prompts. Have a very Happy New Year!! 🙏

  8. Thank you for the mention Neha. Have a Happy and healthy New Year with your family and Oreo! 🙂

  9. Thank you so much, Neha, for including my blog among the nominees. I am humbled. Wish you all the best for the new year! 🌠🍀🌷💞

  10. Congratulations of the birth of your son and growth of your blog Neha! There are so many wonderful people and blogs to explore. I’m honored to be among your favorites. Thanks for sharing the love, helping others, and promoting kindness. You rock! Happy New Year!

  11. Congratulations to one and all!

  12. Congratulations of course to your new bundle of joy! And Congratulations to your most deserved and ongoing success of your blog, Neha. Finally, thank you for the mention on your reading/sharing list. 😎🥀🎊🎉🥀😎

  13. I;m always in the awe of the time you can take out of your new mom schedule.Congratulations!! on reaching a beautiful milestone in personal life and also in the blogosphere.Also, thanks a ton for mention.Hope you have a fabulous New year!!

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