
thoughts from my mind to yours

‘Why Do You Create?’ Read the responses from these amazing bloggers!



“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” 
― Maya Angelou


image copyright neha 2018



Why do I create? Because I have no choice–writing is the fuel. It jumpstarts me, relieves me, allows me to grow, and keeps me afloat. It keeps me connected spiritually and mentally. It gives me the opportunity to express myself in written form with the words will not flow freely from my mouth. I create because it’s in my blood, because it is my life force, because I cannot see myself doing anything else expressively.


Because the ideas have to go somewhere…or I’d burst 🙂

I create (write and draw) because those efforts can be exactly what my heart and imagination want. In other capacities, the look and feel of my writing are dictated by others, but when I create on my own, I can be the artist/editor. Plus, I live in a house with white walls. I have to get the colors out somewhere.


I am very passionate about preserving history – especially military history. I’ve visited many battlefields and when I do, I’m always struck by how many people were lost in that one spot. Real people like you and me, each one with real lives and real stories. I’m sure they would want to be remembered, so I do my best to bring some attention to it by writing historical fiction, and providing people a way to connect to and experience that history through characters’ perspectives. It’s something that’s bigger than me and don’t think I could stop even if I wanted!


It is one of the many things I have stumbled across. Today I’m busy, but one glass of wine, and it comes out, without it staying here… but eventually it seeks a place to grow. Nice thread.


I write and create so that people can see something they have never seen before.

It allows my body mind & soul to center onto the page. Freeing myself of self , truly necessary for peace of mind.


I suppose you could say I create, but it really is the Spirit of God that moves me to write my poetry and songs. I don;t write unless He gives me something to write. I do it because He has asked me to, and because I know it is the ministry He has me in during my cancer recovery. He has been so merciful to me!


I create to inspire and entertain. I want people to find something they can relate to or something that brings a smile or laugh to their day. Thank you, Neha!


I think, therefor, I… oops, that’s been used before. I breath, therefore I create. Better. For I can stop creating about as easily as I can stop breathing, and it would most likely have the same effect on me if I stopped either for too long 😉


I do acrylics on canvas, that was the best way i felt i could express. Eventually i started feeling the urge to write what i imagined in that. So that’s what i do now. I paint and write poetry on my painting. Sometimes i write poetry first and paint something that goes with it based on my imagination.

I write because it’s what makes me feel alive. It feels like what I was born to do. A wise rocker once said “my heart is like an open highway.” That is exactly how it feels when I’m creating a whole new thing on the page.


I write from my heart Neha and when I feel I have something to say. It’s my way of expressing myself. I’ve also recently begun sharing my music here which is something else that fuels my creativity. It’s my passion, both my writing and my music, and I’ve realised that it’s also like a legacy. I want to make a difference and give something back. It’s what I want to leave the world when I’m no longer here. Hopefully, more so than just photos, my kids and family and those who know me can look back and see who I was through what I’ve created and left behind. ❤


Self expression, self discovery, to be understood, to be part of a community of makers…


I write because it’s therapeutic and my body craves creating like oxygen 🙂

Writing is like second nature to me. It feels like breathing. It’s a heart to heart connection, a sacred communion with God and the essence of life, a way to share my feelings, emotions, to inspire others.


My writing explodes from my mind and fingertips. Im compelled to write.


I love writing because I’m creating art with words. I’ve never been much of a painter, drawer, etc, and when I found writing I fell in love. I take a lot of my bad (and good) experiences and turn them into poems. A lot of things I can’t say in a normal way or talk about, I turn into a big metaphor and use it as a poem. I love the release writing gives me. I love feeling like I’m creating an art that every person can see differently.

I photograph from some inner drive. It started with traveling the country and wanting to share the beauty. Now when I see beauty, I feel the need to capture a slice and share! Then writing helps reinforce the feelings and sharing via blogging is a great way to both share and connect to a larger community.

I create to feel alive, to express myself, and to try and share the light and love within me. 😊❤

I write so I can sleep at night. I write so I can try to sort of maintain some level of sanity in an entirely insane world. Writing is the step I take back from the edge of the cliff. A blank page is better than any therapist, and its much more exhaling than creating.

i write cause i dont talk much. all the thoughts and expressions i am only able to let loose in my blogs….just started actually, and also to cope with 11th grade (its a torture)


It keeps me sane…that is why I create…it helps my mental health.

Although I have separated my writing, this blog I writ spiritual pieces in my I share verse which come to me during my struggles with depression, anxiety and ptsd…if I didnt write about it I feel I would be very unwell so its like medicine for me.

I have always imagined, and I suppose I must have wanted a record of my imagining? As a child I wrote stories and got immense pleasure from the act of writing. This stayed with me. I am most absorbed when I am writing. Gardening is a less intensely focused form of creating, but gives me equal, if not more, pleasure. I suppose gardening is a less exposing form of creativity.


I love using unusual colours to create expressive animal paintings that help to support wildlife conservation projects and animal welfare initiatives. Fun with purpose! How could I not create?!


Over the years, I’ve been the recepient of many acts of kindness and generosity. I’ve also observed ordinary folk stepping up to make a difference in the lives of others. I hope I’ve done some good. So I’ve started writing about Acts of Kindness to thank these unsung everyday heroes. I wish I’d kept a journal so I could recall more but I’ll poking at the old memory bank 😄


Drawing is the only thing that brings me peace of mind in a stressful life. The blog has brought me into contact with kindred spirits who I regard as family.


The most obvious answer is that I create because I don’t have a choice. It’s a part of me I cannot deny. But the more complicated answer is that it allows me to express something I can’t express any other way. I write because it gives me a sense of fulfilment, it’s therapy, it’s a challenge, it’s a release. I like the feeling of making something that no one else could have made, to have created something out of nothing. I can’t imagine my life without writing.


I see each of my creations (stories and poems) as a mother sees her child. They will be the traces of me that will be left in this world forever!


Because it was an introduction to public writing. I learned that creativity is infinite, you just have to tune in to the vibe that get your juices flowing (different types of music equate to various moods and types of writing). Being new to writing, I also learned that the emotions extend through the pen, which can be very liberating when done with grace. You have to laugh at yourself and life a lot, or you are stuck on something that needs releasing. Thank you to those that “discover” me.

I create to tap into my Deep Beauty within me that fills me with indescribable JOY. Using the Talents I was given gives me such pleasure. It is also THE means to show whoever views my work my Heart and Soul. My Gifts free me to soar, to fly, to merge with profound Satisfaction. This is who I am, Neha. My Gifts show the world who I am. I couldn’t stop this Flow within me even if I tried. I feel cleansed somehow many times when I finish something I began creating. And to be able to share this ME with others, is a great privilege!! 🌸🌸🌸


I write/blog firstly for mindfulness. I’ve been soul-searching during the last couple of years and through counselling came to realise I’d rarely taken time out of my day for me. Just me. I’d done things for the family, for friends, for parents.
Now I am doing something just for me.
Discovering new people – like you!
Communicating with them too – like now!
Have a great week and if you live in the UK, stay warm and free of snowdrifts❄


Why do I create or write or what inspires me to be who I am; is God, Jesus, their Spirit that binds them All. Here is My Wish to You !!


I wish you more joy,
than sorrow, one can give.

More love than,
your heart can confine.

More laughter,
than tears.

More courage,
than fears.

More memories,
than any precious stones.

I wish you more sunshine,
than darkness or shadows.

More comfort than,
trouble or pain.

More grace than,
gratitude needed.

And more days filled,
with rainbows than showers.

My Wish To You!

Copyrights© | Creative Essence’s Creative Writing™|
William P. Darnell Sr. | All Rights Reserved |
The moral right of the author has been asserted |
Year Posted 2004


The reason I create is to inspire but also to make a part of my inner self visible. In sharing a part of myself I hope to inspire others to share a part of themselves and therefore fill their lives with the beautiful meaning they brought here.

I always had a spiritual connection with God and His love, and he inspires me to always create! People who know the creator, are blessed with that spirit of creation, to lift and inspire always. That is my gift from Him…and with that creative spirit within…it is a healing blessing to me every day. Your idea inspires. Hugs and blessings to you and your family!

All I Think Of

Where my treasure
lies so deep within
is the only place
where one will find

In my blissful dreams
where I silently wait
deep in my sleep are
You held so true.

In my awakened state
where my mind does
paint, perfect images
of the lovely things
You do.

One will always find
the secret of my hearts
love, finding each day
all I think of Lord, is You.


I write because God gave me the awesome gift of creativity and I feel He gave me that gift for a reason. Also, if I had to hold all my ideas inside my head, my poor brain would explode.


I write only what God gives me, and He has asked me to share it with everyone I can. It’s a pleasure to hear everyone’s comments. And its a joy to share with others what God so freely gives me.


It is seeing the finished product that makes me proud

Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

29 thoughts on “‘Why Do You Create?’ Read the responses from these amazing bloggers!

  1. This is a great post thank you! I write because ideas come to me as abstractions, and I like the process of putting them together like a puzzle onto the page. It’s satisfying. I write because I love the creative process, and it makes me feel closer to the spirit of God. Where else would all these ideas come from?

  2. wow – this is so amazing and great exercise – I am disappointed of me not being included. I always have great respect and support to your post!!!

  3. What a fabulous array of inspiration, Neha 🙂

  4. Amazing! Well done putting those feelers out there. These responses were all just incredible, great to see them in one place! 🙂

  5. What a wonderful post and such a collective consciousness of inspiration. Here’s to every single blogger making the world a better place. Loved reading this ❤️💜💙

  6. Thank you for your creativity, generosity and inspiration, Neha 🙂

  7. Each one of the responses is amazingly inspiring.

  8. Thank you for sharing! It reminds me why I write! I write because I want to help and inspire others. I am retweeting this on

  9. I really enjoy your blog!

    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award in my latest post:

  10. Incredibly inspirational ☺

  11. Very welcome. Going to enjoy going through your other posts lol.

  12. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    Thanks for this great post! 😉 ❤
    Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too.
    You can watch it on YouTube or go to my home page:

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