
thoughts from my mind to yours


Calm Night Across The River

Calm night across the river,

That’s hard to see in the middle of day.

Calm night across the river,

Where there is no farmer to make hay.

Calm night across the river,

Where large waves slowly capsize.

Calm night across the river,

Where moon lights brightly every night.

It’s the place where the trees dance,

Giving off a gentle breeze,

It’s where we all rest when we hand in our day’s keys.

Calm night across the river,

It’s the place I see in my dreams.


poetry and image copyright neha 2018


First Impression

You often paid more attention
to the spaces present between the words…
the silence held in the eyes,
the quiet involuntary nod,
not the carefully crafted words,
that came out from the crisply dressed being,
trying to make their first impression.


poetry and image copyright neha 2018


In response to Daily Post  Prompt: Present