
thoughts from my mind to yours

Blogger Interview Tag


My friend Erika from Author Erika Kind, nominated me for this challenge. Erika is an amazing writer, a published author and blogger who spreads the message of love and light through her posts. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet I suggest you do so now, to get a dose of inspiration that will get you motivated throughout the day.

 image copyright 2015 neha

image copyright 2015 neha










Here are the rules:

* Mention the person who tagged you
* Answer the questions in full
* Don’t forget to tag up to ten other bloggers at the end

Here are the questions:

How did you get into blogging?

I got into blogging on a whim. I was not sure about what my blog would be, but I knew that I wanted to write. I had always enjoyed writing, and poetry is where I had found solace in words. This piece I wrote share what I hope my words will find: Let me find hope. So I wrote…Needless to say, I was overwhelmed by the love and support of this community…I got to interact with so many other wonderful, talented bloggers, some of whom I now call my friends, who gave me a sense of belonging in this blogging atmosphere. I may have gotten into blogging on a whim but I stayed in the blogging community because of the amazing experience I had (am having) with all of you, where I can share and read the words and photographs that come from the heart. I could not have asked for anything better.

What advice would you give to a blogger just starting out?

Blog about what matters to you, connect with the community, there is a whole new world waiting to connect with you and your work. πŸ™‚

What would be your dream campaign?

My dream campaign would be to promote the power of imagination, for everyone to imagine and follow their own dreams to do what makes them happy. And to spread hope and kindness in all hearts.

Do you have a plan for your blog?

My plan is to continue writing and connecting with fellow bloggers, to learn their stories and share mine. πŸ™‚


What do you think about rankings?

I am not too fond of rankings, I like to appreciate all work that is done with passion and from the heart.


Here are my nominees, please check out their blogs to view some amazing talent.

Writing to Freedom


Lorrie Bowden

Ramblings from Jewels

A God Colored Girl in a Grey World

Witless dating after fifty

Love Letters from my Heart


Dorinda Duclos


Again thank you Erika for the nomination. You are appreciated my friend. πŸ™‚


Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

14 thoughts on “Blogger Interview Tag

  1. Thank you so very much for this honor, Neha. You are a genuinely caring poet and friend. I like your idea of spreading imagination around the world as a project. Maybe there would be more Peace and Love found if people showed creativity and expressed themselves more! xo I hope you may come back and ask me a different time, maybe when my warehouse work slows down in January. Here in the winter months, I have more time to make up posts and will be trying to wait on being interviewed. You did a fantastic job in your post, Neha!! πŸ™‚

  2. Thanks for the nomination Neha. I keep saying I don’t want to do challenges and yet the ones you offer stir me. I enjoyed learning more about you and your reasons for blogging. We all have a story to tell. Thanks for sharing yours. πŸ™‚

  3. Neha that was so very beautiful. Your answers are so full of appreciation and excitement. I love, love, love all of them. Your advice is fantastic. There truly is a whole new world out there, a world of inspiration and appreciation. But we need to stay connected. Thank you so much for the nice words you had for me and my blog. You are an angel and I am so thankful we are friends 😘

  4. Pingback: Blogger Interview Tag. « Original-Dante

  5. I am extremely sorry that I missed this invitation from you. Thank you for nominating me for the same.
    Your answers are very nice… liked all of them… πŸ™‚
    Just wanted to ask that the questions are same for me as answered by you as you haven’t framed separate questions? Just for confirmation… I will respond very soon… Sorry for the delay from my side… 😦

  6. Pingback: Blogger Interview Tag – ashish-vision

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