
thoughts from my mind to yours



I try to hold you,

but you shy away from my palms,

as the black shadows come over you,

mystic moonbeam of lost stars.


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Author: forgottenmeadows

I am a dreamer and a writer who loves to ponder on the words of the soul.

6 thoughts on “Mystic

  1. Oh, Neha!! This is so beautiful!! 🙂 You have a magical talent! 🙂 Your poetry is just…..what can I say….it reaches the soul, it does not need the intelect….it just gently touches the heart, in the right place! Thank you Neha for filling my life with your extraordinary poerty! 🙂

    • aww Line you so sweet and kind you make my heart smile with your comments 🙂 Thank you always for your encouraging words, I am so glad it touches your heart ❤ Lots of love ~ Neha

  2. Oooh, that final line is spectacular.

  3. You weave stunning imagery that appeals so beautifully to the senses. Thank you for sharing your gift Neha, best always ❤

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